Weekend Reading

  • A nice article about a new community garden in Bronzeville.  Last August, on this corner of Chicago’s historic Bronzeville neighborhood, neighbors and guests mingled over refreshments featuring recently harvested fresh vegetables and herbs. They were celebrating Chicago’s newest South Side urban garden, located on the western edge of the community where Chicago-bound African-Americans settled after leaving the South to seek a better life in northern cities during the Great Migration.
  • Vonnegut on “How to Write With Style.”  The most damning revelation you can make about yourself is that you do not know what is interesting and what is not. Don’t you yourself like or dislike writers mainly for what they choose to show you or make you think about? Did you ever admire an emptyheaded writer for his or her mastery of the language? No.
  • A great video featuring Jad Abumrad of Radio Lab talking about the science of sound.  The last minute or two are wonderful.

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